So for our anniversary Paul and I decided to make him and the other cats a box fort. It's a pretty sweet design, with tunnels connecting the various boxes into a packing taped tower of awesome. In process in looked like this:
And even then Jif wanted to try it out:
And try it out some more:
Finally, it was done (can you spot the Jif?):
Here's Jif a bit later, enjoying the view from the crow's nest:
At one point Kitty got in on the action. She's in the Lowe's box in this picture. Jif came downstairs, heard noises coming from the boxes, and got very curious indeed:
One more round of spot the Jif (meanwhile Kitty is still in the Lowe's box):
And finally Jif decided that the best thing to do was take the high ground and wait for the intruder to leave (which eventually Kitty did):
Cat Box Fort: Success!