Sunday, September 24, 2006

I'll have the Academia Cliche', and please hold the introspection...

So I've been meaning to write a new post for some while now, but truth be told, I haven't got much to write about. I think we all know that I could easily bang out a few paragraphs on how my classes are going, and what we did at the last improv meeting, but that seems just a tad played out. I've noticed all my posts are looking extraordinarily similar of late. Perhaps this is a commentary on my life.
I do have to throw this in. Any Fools that read this, you've no idea how grateful and indebted I am to you. Last semester was hard. My first time living away from home, first time in a big school. It's a huge adjustment to make. You all made a way for me to laugh and have fun, but not just that, you've become my main group of friends as well.
That having been said, I knew going into this semester that with the courses I have it would be hard, and I was right. Talk about hanging on by your eye-teeth. It's wonderful to know that at least once a week I can let it all go and just relax and laugh (not to mention all the other times when Ryan and Benji give me excellent academia related advice/support). I really don't know what I would do without it. I guess if you're going to be addicted to something, SoF is as good a choice as you can make.
Every semester there comes a time that I begin thinking things like: "Well gee, working at McDonald's until I'm 87 doesn't actually sound like it's that bad of an option..." But then I remind myself that anytime I'm out of school for more then a week I start to get restless and miss it insanely.
There is a part of me that is scared to death to graduate. I really don't want to buckle down and get a job and act like an adult. I have the glimmering image of a job I'll love and be excited to go to every day in my mind's eye, but what if it's not like that? What if I decide it's boring after the first week like all my other jobs? But then the tiny Renee' on the other shoulder is telling me that I'd better hurry the heck up and graduate because eventually the grant money is going to run out and I'm going to need a job that pays slightly above minimum wage.
Being a student for the rest of my natural born days does have it's appeal. It changes from week to week. I'll not be bored, that's for sure. But I really doubt that I'd like to live the rest of my life in a dorm. Although I have to admit it would be rather fun to go and talk with my RA about my mid-life crisis and menopause and stuff like that. There really is always a silver lining isn't there?
This little article has actually gotten quite a bit longer then I had originally intended. Just goes to show that when I'm in a mood to muse I should not under any circumstances be left unsupervised.

Let me see if I can't come up with a nice quote from one of my made-up people to wrap things up...
~ Just let me do it. I promise you, I'm not nearly as stupid as I look. What's that? What's that laugh? You don't believe me!" ~ Ben Johnson
(which funnily enough, Johnson is my mom's maiden name. Am I creative or what?)


luckeyfrog said...

"There is a part of me that is scared to death to graduate. I really don't want to buckle down and get a job and act like an adult."

I know exactly how you feel on that one.

"I guess if you're going to be addicted to something, SoF is as good a choice as you can make."

I absolutely agree. :) Especially when we first started dating, Ryan made a point to tell me I didn't *have* to come to improv just for him... and I basically laughed at him. I mean, I like that going helps support him and all... but that's not why I go! :) I just enjoy it!

Renee L. said...

Thank you! I was incredibly excited when I saw a comment from you! Jenny read my blog, I must be moving up in the world! Is this what it feels like to be "hip"? If I was "hip" would I still be using the term "hip"?...